
Mausoleum - 1983 USA d: Michael Dugan

This is...a "special" experience. A phenomenally bad mess of a film: incoherent plot, bizarre shifts in tone, racist caricaturing, terrible dialogue and some of the worst acting you are ever likely to see on film.  But it is still strangely likeable.

The story is one of possession, with the central character (Bobbi Bresee - supposed to be 30 but looks a lot older) hosting some family demon or something causing her to black out and start killing people. Her husband (Marjoe Gortner, the ex-child faith healer/con-man) worries about her changes in personality (especially her sudden predilection for truly appalling fantasy art of the Frazetta/Vallejo kind!) and goes out to work a lot, allowing her to seduce and kill lustful, ethnic, working class types (the gardener, delivery guy). They have a maid/housekeeper who is basically a female Stepin Fetchit (her scenes are almost impossible to watch) and a doctor/friend who is played by the worst actor in the history of mankind. That's it really. Cue a series of cheap and increasingly weird set-pieces which lead to blood-letting.

This is a dreadfully bad film, but is great fun in the way that dreadfully bad films can so often be.  One cannot help but wonder if there was narcotic influence behind the writing and making of this very peculiar tale.  I find it hard to imagine this came from sober minds.  And so it is, that if one is in a similar state, Mausoleum could prove very entertaining, and if one is not drunk or stoned, then it will probably still be very entertaining as the thing is so damned weird!


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